Les pronoms sujets: Subject pronouns

Subject pronouns are those pronouns that perform the acion in a sentence which are used to replace a noun or a noun phrase.
The subject pronouns in English are: I, You, He, She, It, We, They
The subject pronouns in French are: Je, Tu, Il, Elle, Nous, Vous, Ils, Elles


1st person Je I
2nd person Tu You (informal)
3rd person Il He
  Elle She


1st person Nous We
2nd person Vous You (formal)
3rd person Ils They (m) (m & f)
  Elles They (f)


  • "Tu" is in informal way
  • "Vous" can be addressed in formal way refering to one person or many people. 

  • Replace the following nouns with the appropriate subject pronouns (Je, Tu, Il, Elle, Nous, Vous, Ils, Elles)

    Click on the question mark to reveal the answer. 

    1 Les enfants
    2 Pierre et André
    3 Moi
    4 Sarrâ
    5 Noreddine
    6 Toi
    7 Sofian et moi
    8 Catherine et Gaëlle
    9 Ronan et toi
    10 Toi et moi
    11 Le petit chien que j'avais quand j'étais tout petit
    12 le loup, le renard et la belette
    13 la foule